Onomatopee / / June 7, 2024
Book launch of Seasonal Matters Rural Relations by Seasonal Neighbours
Join us for the book launch of Seasonal Matters: Rural Relations by Seasonal Neighbours at RADIUS, Delft
Seasonal Neighbours Collective

Onomatopee 252.1
Seasonal Matters Rural Relations (NL edition)
Notities uit het veld: over samenleven, rituelen en ritmes
Seasonal Neighbours Collective

€ 25
Onomatopee 252
Seasonal Matters Rural Relations (ENG edition)
(Field)notes on rhythms, rituals and cohabitation
Seasonal Neighbours Collective

€ 25
June Saturday 8, 2024, 13:00 - 17:00 / Book launch, Talk, Workshop
Workshop and Book launch Seasonal Matters Rural Relations at KIOSK
@ Kiosk Pieter de Raadtstraat 35A 3033 VC Rotterdam The Netherlands
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